
Learn to pronounce ob·li·ga·tion

an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
"I have an obligation to look after her"
synonyms: duty, commitment, responsibility, moral imperative, function, task, job, chore, assignment, commission, business, burden, charge, onus, liability, accountability, requirement, debt, engagement, office, devoir, trust, compulsion, indebtedness, duress, necessity, pressure, constraint

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6 days ago · 1. The action of obligating oneself to a course of action (as by a promise or vow) 2. a : something (such as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of ...
something that a person feels morally or legally forced to do: [ C ] The government has an obligation to assist relief efforts.
noun · something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.
An obligation is a duty. It's your obligation or responsibility to call your mom on Mother's Day. Sending flowers would be even better.
An obligation is a course of action which someone is required to take, be it a legal obligation or a moral obligation. Obligations are constraints; they limit ...
1. an obligating or being obligated 2. a binding contract, promise, moral responsibility, etc. 3. a duty imposed legally or socially; thing that one is bound ...
OBLIGATION meaning: 1 : something that you must do because of a law, rule, promise, etc.; 2 : something that you must do because it is morally right.
The popular meaning of the term “obligation” is a duty to do or not to do something. In its legal sense, obligation is a civil law concept.
the state of being forced to do something because it is your duty, or because of a law, etc. You are under no obligation to buy anything.
Obligation · 1 : a promise, acknowledgment, or agreement (as a contract) that binds one to a specific performance (as payment) ;also · 2 : a debt security (as a ...