
Learn to pronounce name-drop·ping

the practice of casually mentioning the names of famous people one knows or claims to know in order to impress others.
"name-dropping, snobbery, and generally pathetic attempts to be seen and be admired"

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The meaning of NAME-DROPPING is the studied but seemingly casual mention of prominent persons as associates done to impress others. How to use name-dropping ...
NAME-DROPPING meaning: 1. the act of talking about famous people that you have met, often pretending that you know them…. Learn more.
3 days ago · Meaning of name-drop in English ... to talk about famous people that you have met, often pretending that you know them better than you really do, ...
Name-dropping (or name-checking) is the practice of naming or alluding to important people or institutions in order to indicate one's association with them.
Name-dropping definition: the introduction into one's conversation, letters, etc., of the names of famous or important people as alleged friends or ...
NAME–DROPPING meaning: the act of trying to impress someone by saying the names of well-known people that you know or have met.
If you say that someone name-drops, you disapprove of them referring to famous people they have met in order to impress people. [disapproval].
Name-drop definition: to indulge in name-dropping.. See examples of NAME-DROP used in a sentence.
the introduction into one's conversation, letters, etc., of the names of famous or important people as alleged friends or associates in order to impress ...
Jul 16, 2020 · Name dropping is a sales tactic where you mention famous brands you know or worked with to make a good impression on people.