
Learn to pronounce man·ag·er

a person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization.
"the manager of a bar"
synonyms: executive, head of department, line manager, supervisor, principal, administrator, head, boss, director, managing director, employer, superintendent, foreman, forewoman, overseer, proprietor, chief, head honcho, governor, gaffer, guv'nor, high muckamuck, straw boss

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Sep 9, 2024 · 1. a person who manages a business or organization 2. a member of the House of Representatives who acts as a prosecutor at the Senate trial in an impeachment ...
Jul 1, 2024 · A manager is a role represented within a hierarchy of an organization, starting from the CEO and trickling down to the vice president , director ...
the person who is responsible for managing an organization: a bank manager, a store manager, the production manager.
A manager is an individual with leadership skills tasked with leading, planning, staffing, and organizing an organization. They main task is to organize the ...
Apr 15, 2021 · Managers used to be selected and promoted largely based on their ability to manage and evaluate the performance of employees who could carry ...
7 senses: 1. a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc 2. a person who controls the business affairs.
A manager is a person who oversees the operations of a business, office, or organization. They are responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly and ...
A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. Example: “The project manager coordinated all the activities.” ...
A manager is someone who "manages," or takes charge of something. A baseball team manager is in charge of running the team, while a business manager oversees ...
A Manager is a person who manages or is in charge of something. Managers can control departments in companies, or guide the people who work for them.