
Learn to pronounce lo·tus eat·er

/ˈlōdəs ˌēdər/
a member of a people represented by Homer as living in a state of dreamy forgetfulness and idleness as a result of eating the fruit of the lotus plant.
"on arrival at the land of the lotus eaters, Odysseus sends out a reconnaissance party"

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1. Any of a people in Homer's Odyssey subsisting on the lotus and living in the dreamy indolence it induces. 2. An indolent person.
a person who leads a life of dreamy, indolent ease, indifferent to the busy world; daydreamer.
Figuratively, 'lotus-eaters' denotes "people who spend their time indulging in pleasure and luxury rather than dealing with practical concerns".
Jul 24, 2017 · Lotus Eater refers to someone who just enjoys the pleasantries of life and not caring about the practicalities of it. Based on what he says ...
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6 days ago · Lotus-Eater, in Greek mythology, one of a tribe encountered by the Greek hero Odysseus during his return from Troy.
noun someone indifferent to the busy world “in the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence”
LOTUS-EATER meaning: 1. someone who has a very comfortable, lazy life and does not worry about anything 2. someone who…. Learn more.
noun. Definition of lotus-eaters. plural of lotus-eater. as in slugs. a lazy person a tropical resort that is perfect for live wires and lotus-eaters alike.
a member of a people whom Odysseus found existing in a state of languorous forgetfulness induced by their eating of the fruit of the legendary lotus; ...
The Lotus-Eater is a creature with origins in Greek mythology, legend and folklore. It is one of a race of people with origins on an unnamed island near ...