to visit a person for a short time, usually when you are on your way somewhere else: I thought I might look in on Bob on my way to the store.
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1. a chance of success 2. a quick pass in football to a receiver running diagonally toward the center of the field.
look-in in British English · 1. a chance to be chosen, participate, etc · 2. a short visit. verb look in · 3. (intr, adverb; often foll by on).
noun · a brief glance. · a short visit. · Football. a quick pass play in which the ball is thrown to a receiver running a short diagonal pattern across the ...
to make a short visit to a place, especially someone's house when they are sick or need help. She looks in on her elderly neighbor every evening.
a chance to succeed or be involved in something. She wanted to apply for the job, but they never let her get/have a look-in.
phrasal verb looked in on; looking in on; looks in on : to make a brief social visit to (someone) I plan to look in on some old friends when I'm in town.
look into sth ... to examine the facts about a problem or situation: We're looking into the possibility of merging the two departments.
look into in American English to examine carefully; investigate. See full dictionary entry for look. Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. ...
To go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information: delve, dig, explore, inquire, investigate, probe, reconnoiter, ...