- direct one's gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction."people were looking at him"synonyms: glance, gaze, stare, gape, peer, fix one's gaze, focus, peep, peek, take a look, watch, examine, study, inspect, scan, scrutinize, survey, check, contemplate, consider, see, observe, view, regard, pay attention to, take note of, mark, check out, glimpse, spot, spy, lay one's eyes on, catch sight of, eye, take in, ogle, take a gander, have a squint, get a load of, rubberneck, recce, take a dekko, take a butcher's, take a shufti, clock, gawp, eyeball, behold, espy, descry
- think of or regard in a specified way."I look at tennis differently from some coaches"synonyms: regard, consider, think of, deem, judge, count, see, view, take, reckon, believe to be
- have the appearance or give the impression of being."her father looked unhappy"synonyms: seem, seem to be, appear, appear to be, give the impression of being, look to be, present as being, strike someone as being, resemble, bear a resemblance to, look similar to, have a look of, have the appearance of, remind one of, put one in mind of, make one think of, be the image of, echo, have (all) the hallmarks of, simulate, take after, be the spitting image of, be the spit of, be a dead ringer for, favor
- rely on to do or provide something."she will look to you for help"synonyms: turn to, resort to, have recourse to, fall back on, avail oneself of, make use of
- an act of directing one's gaze in order to see someone or something."let me get a closer look"synonyms: glance, observation, view, examination, study, inspection, scan, survey, sight, peep, peek, glimpse, gaze, stare, gape, ogle, eyeful, gander, look-see, once-over, squint, recce, shufti, dekko, butcher's, geek, squiz, Jack Nohi
- the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality."the bedraggled look of the village"synonyms: appearance, air, aspect, bearing, cast, manner, mien, demeanor, features, semblance, guise, facade, impression, effect, atmosphere, mood, quality, ambience, feeling, flavor
used to call attention to what one is going to say.
"“Look, this is ridiculous.”"
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look for in American English 1. to search or hunt for. 2. to expect; anticipate. See full dictionary entry for look.
Look for - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
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look for Add to list Share · verb. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of. synonyms: search, seek. see moresee less. types: show 23 ...
Search for; also, seek out. For example, A search party was sent to look for the lost fliers , or Those kids are just looking for trouble . [Late 1500s] ...
6 days ago · 1. a : the act of looking b : glance 2. a : the expression of the countenance b : physical appearance; especially : attractive physical appearance.
synonyms: looking. hunt, hunting, search. the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone.
→ search2(1)2 be looking for somebody/somethingLOOK FOR to be trying to find a particular kind of thing or person I'm sorry, we're really looking for someone ...
look for phrasal verb look for something to hope for something; to expect something Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline.
look verb (SEARCH) ... to try to find something or someone: I'm looking for my keys. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find my glasses. Have you looked in the ...
look · 1. To search for and find, as in a reference book. · 2. To visit: look up an old friend. · 3. To become better; improve: Things are at last looking up.
phrase. Definition of look for. as in pursue. to go in search of She had been looking for a job for months. pursue.