restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short.
"a limited number of places are available"
synonyms: restricted, finite, bounded, little, narrow, tight, lean, slight, slender, in short supply, short, meager, scanty, sparse, insubstantial, deficient, inadequate, insufficient, paltry, poor, miserly, basic, rudimentary, patchy, sketchy, minimal, cramped, small
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Sep 4, 2024 · 1. a : confined within limits : restricted limited success b of a train : offering faster service especially by making a limited number of stops.
LIMITED meaning: 1. small in amount or number: 2. kept within a particular size, range, time, etc.: 3. used in the…. Learn more.
adjective · having a limit; restricted; confined · without fullness or scope; narrow · (of governing powers, sovereignty, etc) restricted or checked, by or as ...
Limited means short, small, or restricted by specific rules. When a rock concert has a limited number of seats, you may not be able to count on sitting down ...
limited in British English · 1. having a limit; restricted; confined · 2. without fullness or scope; narrow · 3. (of governing powers, sovereignty, etc) ...
limited · . not very great in amount or extent. We are doing our best with the limited resources available. a limited budget/range · . having a particular ...
adjective [more limited; most limited] : not high or great in number, amount, etc. Only a limited number of students will be allowed in the class.
Ltd. is an abbreviation for "limited," a type of incorporation used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries.
written abbreviation for Limited: used after the name of a company to show that it is a limited company (= a company whose owners only have to pay part of its ...
adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B2 Something that is limited is not very great in amount, range, or degree.