- doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time."his late arrival"synonyms: behind time, behind schedule, behind, behindhand, not on time, unpunctual, tardy, running late, overdue, long-overdue, delayed, long-delayed, belated, slow, dilatory
- belonging or taking place near the end of a particular time or period."they won the game with a late goal"
- (of a specified person) no longer alive."her late husband's grave"synonyms: dead, deceased, departed, lamented, passed on/away, lost, expired, gone, extinct, perished
- after the expected, proper, or usual time."she arrived late"synonyms: behind schedule, behind time, behindhand, unpunctually, belatedly, tardily, at the last minute, at the tail end, dilatorily, slowly, recently
- far on in time; toward the end of a period."it happened late in 1984"
- formerly but not now living or working in a specified place or institution."Captain Falconer, late of the British army"
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6 days ago · 1. a (1) : coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time a late spring was late for class (2) : of, relating to, or imposed because of tardiness.
(happening or being) near the end of a period of time: It was late at night. We talked late into the night. Is that the time? I'd no idea it was so late.
adverb · after the usual or proper time, or after delay: to arrive late. · until after the usual time or hour; until an advanced hour, especially of the night:.
Late means after the expected time, or at the end of a certain period of time. if you're late for a movie, you get to the theater after the film's already ...
late in American English · 1. occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time · 2. continued until after the usual time or hour; protracted · 3. near ...
LATE meaning: 1 : existing or happening near the end of a period of time; 2 : coming or happening after the usual, expected, or desired time.
[not usually before noun] arriving, happening or done after the expected, arranged or usual time. I'm sorry I'm late. late for something She's late for work ...
6 days ago · ˈlāt. Definition of late. 1. as in delayed. not arriving, occurring, or settled at the due, usual, or proper time I ran as fast as I could, but ...
LATE meaning: 1. after the usual time or the time that was arranged: 2. near the end of a period of time: 3…. Learn more.
Apr 26, 2023 · "Late" is a softer, gentler way of saying "dead." "Dead" comes off as jarring, especially when talking about a loved one.