

insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) in a person's body, especially by surgery.
"electrodes had been implanted in his brain"
synonyms: insert, embed, bury, lodge, place, put in place, install, introduce, graft, engraft

a thing implanted in something else, especially a piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body.
"a silicone breast implant"
synonyms: transplant, graft, implantation, insert

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7 days ago ˇ 1. a : to fix or set securely or deeply a ruby implanted in the idol's forehead b : to set permanently in the consciousness or habit patterns : inculcate
IMPLANT meaning: 1. to put an organ, group of cells, or device into the body in a medical operation: 2. to fix…. Learn more.
noun ˇ an artificial tooth that has been inserted permanently into the jaw. ˇ a metal framework attached to the bones of the jaw for supporting artificial teeth ...
(IM-plant) A substance or object that is put in the body as a prosthesis, or for treatment or diagnosis.
When you implant something, you place or embed it solidly: you might implant marbles in the damp concrete of a newly poured sidewalk, for example.
1. to plant firmly or deeply; embed 2. to fix firmly in the mind; instill; inculcate 3. Medicine and Dentistry to insert (a substance, organ, or piece of ...
Definitions: Electronic device or electronic equipment modification designed to gain unauthorized interception of information-bearing emanations. Sources:
IMPLANT meaning: 1 : to put (something) in a specified place; 2 : to place (something) in a person's body by means of surgery.
Sep 30, 2019 ˇ Medical implants are devices or tissues that are placed inside or on the surface of the body. Many implants are prosthetics, ...