
Learn to pronounce hung

past and past participle of hang.

  1. (of a jury) unable to agree on a verdict.
  2. emotionally confused or disturbed.
    "people are hung up in all sorts of ways"
  3. used especially in similes to refer to the size of a man's penis.
    "he's hung like a horse"

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adjective · (of a legislative assembly) not having a party with a working majority. a hung parliament. unable to reach a decision · hung over informal.
1. unable to reach a decision or verdict; a hung jury; also, British : not having a political party with an overall majority; a hung parliament.
having an equal or almost equal number of members with opposing opinions, so that no decisions can be made: hung parliament The general election in Britain was ...
Jul 7, 2020 · Physically Suspended: When someone is described as being "hung," it can refer to a physical state of being suspended or hanged. · Well-Endowed: ...
Adjective · Suspended by hanging. · Having hanging additions or appendages. · (law) Of a jury, unable to reach a unanimous verdict in a trial. · Of a ...
The state of a male having a well-endowed penis, above the majority of men. Hung implies that a guy is at least 7.5" in lenght when erect, at least 2" in width ...
1. Hung is the past tense and past participle of most of the senses of hang. 2. adjective A hung jury is the situation that occurs when a jury is unable to ...
3 days ago · verb ; a · to fasten to some elevated point without support from below : suspend. hang a picture on the wall ; b · to suspend by the neck until dead.
Feb 15, 2022 · "Hung" only refers to objects (like "I hung a painting"), when it's a person it's always "hanged." Unless it's being used how you plan to, of course, so there ...