look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
"he could only gaze at her in astonishment"
synonyms: stare, look fixedly, look vacantly, look, take a good look, gape, goggle, peer, leer, ogle, eye, contemplate, survey, scan, study, gawk at, rubberneck at, give something the once-over, get a load of, check out, gawp at, eyeball, behold
a steady intent look.
"he turned, following her gaze"
synonyms: stare, fixed look, intent look, gape, eye, regard, watch, observance, inspection, scrutiny
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6 days ago · The meaning of GAZE is to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention. How to use gaze in a sentence.
to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or admiration, or because you are thinking about something else: gaze at Annette gazed ...
1977).] A way of regarding people or things which is considered to embody certain aspects of the relationship between the observer and the observed; esp. as ...
To gaze is to look steadily and intently at something, especially at that which excites admiration, curiosity, or interest: to gaze at scenery, at a scientific ...
When someone lays eyes on you and keeps looking, it is a gaze or a stare. You can gaze back or just say, "Take a picture; it lasts longer."
1. v. To look steadily and intently at someone or something. 2. n. A steady and intent look. 3. (social psychology) Looking at other people in the general ...
to look at something or someone for a long time. gaze suggests looking steadily at something with feelings of interest, wonder, or admiration.
To gaze is to look steadily and intently at something, esp. at that which excites admiration, curiosity, or interest: to gaze at scenery, at a scientific ...
to look steadily at somebody/something for a long time, either because you are very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of something else.
The gaze (French: le regard), in the figurative sense, is an individual's (or a group's) awareness and perception of other individuals, other groups, or ...