Cisalpine means "on this side of the Alps" (from the perspective of the Romans), as opposed to Transalpine Gaul ("on the far side of the Alps"). Gallia ...

Cisalpine Gaul

Cisalpine Gaul was the name given, especially during the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, to a region of land inhabited by Celts, corresponding to what is now most of northern Italy. Wikipedia
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The name Cisalpina denoted Gallia south of the Alps, as opposed to Transalpina Gallia, or Gallia north of the Alps; and Citerior is the nearer Gallia.
Cisalpine Gaul (an ancient region and Roman province in northern Italy, named in contrast to Gallia Transalpina)
Sep 7, 2024 · Cisalpine Gaul, in ancient Roman times, the part of northern Italy between the Apennines and the Alps settled by Celtic tribes.
Gallia Cisalpīna. “Gaul this side of the Alps,” with reference to Rome, a name given to the northern part of Italy, as occupied by the Gallic tribes which ...
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Oct 24, 2018 · The lex de Gallia Cisalpina is the usual modern title given to the fragment of a Roman statute on a bronze tablet found at the ancient town ...
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An area of rich agricultural land, much of which was reclaimed by Roman drainage schemes in the lower Po valley, Cisalpine Gaul achieved great prosperity; by ...
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The northern region comprising the Po (Padus) plain and its mountain fringes from the Apennines to the Alps was known to the Romans as Cisalpine Gaul.
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1. an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, ...
Feb 28, 2017 · Cisalpine Gaul or Gallia Cisalpina, comprised a territory situated in the northernmost part of the Italian peninsula ranging from the Apennines ...