
Learn to pronounce en·vel·ope

  1. a flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
    synonyms: wrapper, wrapping, wrap, sleeve, cover, covering, casing, case
  2. a covering or containing structure or layer.
    "the external envelope of the swimming pool"

People also ask
1. a flat usually paper container (as for a letter) 2. something that envelops : wrapper the envelope of air around the earth.
ENVELOPE meaning: 1. a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter 2. a flat, usually square or…. Learn more.
Envelope definition: a flat paper container, as for a letter or thin package, usually having a gummed flap or other means of closure.
envelope in American English · 1. a thing that envelops; wrapper; covering · 2. a folded paper container as for a letter, usually with a gummed flap for sealing.
An envelope is something that envelops, or wraps around. It usually refers to the thing you stick a stamp on and snail mail.
3 days ago · The meaning of ENVELOP is to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. How to use envelop in a sentence.
An envelope is a common packaging item, usually made of thin, flat material. It is designed to contain a flat object, such as a letter or card.
to wrap up in or as in a covering: The long cloak she was wearing enveloped her completely. Synonyms: conceal, hide, cover, enfold to surround entirely.
ENVELOPE meaning: 1 : an enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc.; 2 : to go beyond the usual or normal limits by doing something new, dangerous, etc.
en·ve·lope · 1. A flat paper container, especially for a letter, usually having a gummed flap. · 2. Something that envelops; a wrapping. · 3. Biology An ...