
Learn to pronounce du·bi·ous·ly

  1. with hesitation or doubt.
    "I looked at him dubiously"
  2. in a way that arouses suspicion, distrust, or uncertainty.
    "he dubiously claimed that he was a self-made man"

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1. unsettled in opinion : doubtful I was dubious about the plan. 2. giving rise to uncertainty: such as a : of doubtful promise or outcome a dubious plan.
in a way that is probably not true or fair, or that is probably not honest: He said that too many young people are in dubiously useful further education.
adjective · marked by or causing doubt. a dubious reply · unsettled in mind; uncertain; doubtful · of doubtful quality; untrustworthy. a dubious reputation.
dubiously mean "doubtfully," but it also means "questionably." So if you're dubiously watching those election results, you might just be feeling doubtful.
probably not true or not completely true; doubtful: The team had the dubious distinction of ranking 31st in the league. Dubious can also mean not to be trusted ...
dubious in British English · 1. marked by or causing doubt. a dubious reply · 2. unsettled in mind; uncertain; doubtful · 3. of doubtful quality; untrustworthy.
Dubious can also be synonymous with doubtful, as in "she was dubious about the idea." Definitions of dubious. adjective. fraught with uncertainty or doubt.
in an uncertain way, often because you suspect that something may be wrong; without knowing whether something is good or bad.
DUBIOUS meaning: 1 : unsure or uncertain feeling doubt about something usually + about; 2 : causing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicion likely to be bad or ...
adverb. Definition of dubiously. as in suspiciously. with distrust the young girl approached the camel dubiously. suspiciously.