- give an unofficial name or nickname to (someone or something)."the media dubbed anorexia “the slimming disease.”"synonyms: nickname, call, name, give a name, label, christen, term, tag, entitle, style, describe as, designate, classify, class, categorize, characterize, denominate, nominate
- dress (an artificial fishing fly) with strands of fur or wool or with other material."prewaxed thread has dramatically eased the process of dubbing"
- smear (leather) with grease.
- trim or make smooth (wood) with an adze.
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Sep 7, 2024 · 1. to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production usually used with in They dubbed in the music.
Dubbed definition: given a specified name, title, nickname, or other designation. See examples of DUBBED used in a sentence.
to use different voices, sounds, or images in a movie, television program, recording, etc., to replace others made originally or as added parts:.
When they're dubbed, it reduces the believability of the entire film and puts off viewers, regardless of the quality of the film itself.
1. to replace the original recorded speech in a movie or television show with speech recorded in another language
Use this word when you give someone a playful nickname or an unofficial title based on some notable characteristic the person has.
adjective having had the soundtrack changed for one in a different language I had to work on a dubbed version.
1. transitive verb If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name.
Nov 29, 2018 · verb (used with object) , dubbed, dub·bing. to invest with any name, character, dignity, or title; style; name; call: He was dubbed a hero. to ...
Dubbed. To have messed up, got it wrong. If you accidentally trash a parents car, "you've dubbed it, man!" ... Get the Dubbed mug.