
Learn to pronounce dis·hon·or

a state of shame or disgrace.
"they have brought dishonor upon our family"
synonyms: disgrace, shame, discredit, humiliation, degradation, ignominy, scandal, infamy, disrepute, ill repute, loss of face, disfavor, ill favor, unpopularity, ill fame, notoriety, debasement, abasement, odium, opprobrium, obloquy, stigma, disesteem, reprobation, vitiation

  1. bring shame or disgrace on.
    "the mayor dishonors his good battle by resorting to sniping"
    synonyms: disgrace, bring dishonor to, bring discredit to, bring shame to, shame, embarrass, humiliate, discredit, degrade, debase, lower, cheapen, drag down, drag through the mud, blacken the name of, give a bad name to, show in a bad light, sully, stain, taint, smear, mar, blot, stigmatize
  2. fail to observe or respect (an agreement or principle).
    "the community has its own principles it can itself honor or dishonor"

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3 days ago · disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, infamy, ignominy mean the state or condition of suffering loss of esteem and of enduring reproach. disgrace often ...
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a lack of honour or respect · a state of shame or disgrace · a person or thing that causes a loss of honour. he was a dishonour to his family · an insult; affront.
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noun. lacking honor or integrity. synonyms: dishonour ; verb. bring shame or dishonor upon. “he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime”. synonyms: ...
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DISHONOR meaning: 1. US spelling of dishonour 2. a feeling of embarrassment and loss of people's respect, or a…. Learn more.
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3 days ago · Some common synonyms of dishonor are disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, and infamy. While all these words mean the state or condition of suffering loss of esteem.
7 senses: 1. If you dishonor someone, you behave in a way that damages their good reputation. [formal] 2. If someone dishonors.
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