
Learn to pronounce disˇenˇtanˇgle

free (something or someone) from an entanglement; extricate.
"“I must go,” she said, disentangling her fingers from Gabriel's"
synonyms: extricate, extract, free, remove, disengage, untwine, disentwine, release, liberate, loosen, unloose, detach, unfasten, unclasp, disconnect

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The meaning of DISENTANGLE is to free from entanglement : unravel. How to use disentangle in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Disentangle.
8 days ago ˇ to separate things that have become joined or confused: It's hard to disentangle the truth from all her lies.
When you disentangle something, you free it from a snarl or tangle. If you have long hair and pierced ears, you've probably had to disentangle an earring ...
Jun 30, 2022 ˇ Disentangled representations mean, in an intuitive sense, that the latent factors a neural network learns are semantically meaningful.
to separate things that have become joined or confused: disentangle something from something It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from ...
1. to separate (things that are twisted together or caught on one another) I can't disentangle [=untangle] the wires/hangers.
If you disentangle something, you separate it from things that are twisted around it, or things that it is twisted or knotted around.
to free or become free from entanglement; untangle; extricate (often followed by from ). Synonyms: disencumber, disembarrass
While all these words mean "to free from what binds or holds back," disentangle and untangle suggest painstaking separation of a thing from other things.
Other forms: disentanglements. Definitions of disentanglement. noun. the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition.