
Learn to pronounce dis·en·tan·gle

free (something or someone) from an entanglement; extricate.
"“I must go,” she said, disentangling her fingers from Gabriel's"
synonyms: extricate, extract, free, remove, disengage, untwine, disentwine, release, liberate, loosen, unloose, detach, unfasten, unclasp, disconnect

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The meaning of DISENTANGLE is to free from entanglement : unravel. How to use disentangle in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Disentangle.
8 days ago · to separate things that have become joined or confused: It's hard to disentangle the truth from all her lies.
to free or become free from entanglement; untangle; extricate (often followed by from ). Synonyms: disencumber, disembarrass.
1. to separate (things that are twisted together or caught on one another) I can't disentangle [=untangle] the wires/hangers.
While all these words mean "to free from what binds or holds back," disentangle and untangle suggest painstaking separation of a thing from other things.
If you disentangle something, you separate it from things that are twisted around it, or things that it is twisted or knotted around.
the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition. synonyms: extrication, unsnarling, untangling. see moresee less. type of:.
There are four meanings listed in OED's entry for the verb disentangle. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.
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8 days ago · to separate things that have become joined or confused: disentangle something from something It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from ...
disentangle something (from something) to separate different arguments, ideas, etc. that have become confused. It's not easy to disentangle the truth from ...