
Learn to pronounce de·ser·tion

the action of deserting a person, cause, or organization.
"I resented what I saw as my parents' desertion"
synonyms: abandonment, leaving, forsaking, betrayal, neglect, shunning, stranding, jilting, relinquishment, renunciation, defection, reneging, repudiation, forswearing, abjuration, apostasy, absconding, running away, decamping, flight, fleeing, flying, bolting, turning tail, truancy, going absent without leave, taking French leave, departure, escape, dereliction, treason, cowardice, going AWOL

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Aug 11, 2024 · 1. an act of deserting; especially : the abandonment without consent or legal justification of a person, post, or relationship.
the act of leaving without permission, or without planning to return. Desertion is also the act of leaving someone in a difficult situation or without help.
noun · the act of deserting or abandoning or the state of being deserted or abandoned · law wilful abandonment, esp of one's spouse or children, without consent ...
desertion Add to list Share · noun. withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility. synonyms: abandonment, defection. see moresee less. types:.
1. the act of deserting or the state of being deserted 2. Law willful abandonment, esp. of one's wife or husband without consent, in violation of legal or ...
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noun. Definition of desertions. plural of desertion. as in abandonments. the act of abandoning the soldiers were imprisoned for desertion of their posts.
Desertion is when someone intentionally abandons their responsibilities or obligations, especially towards their spouse or child.
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[uncountable] the act of going away from a place and leaving it empty. Industrialization led to the growth of cities and the desertion of villages.
Desertion is the abandonment of a military duty or post without permission (a pass, liberty or leave) and is done with the intention of not returning.
Desertion is willful abandonment of a person's duties or obligations, especially to a spouse or child. Some common uses of the term desertion in a legal ...
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