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A group of conditions associated with the elevation or lowering of a person's mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder.
Consult a doctor for medical advice

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feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"
synonyms: melancholy, misery, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow, woe, gloom, gloominess, dejection, downheartedness, despondency, dispiritedness, low spirits, heavy-heartedness, moroseness, discouragement, despair, desolation, dolefulness, moodiness, pessimism, hopelessness, the slough of despond, upset, tearfulness, the dumps, the doldrums, the blues, one's black dog, a low, the blahs, a funk, a blue funk, the mopes, clinical depression, endogenous depression, reactive depression, postnatal depression, dysthymia, melancholia, dolor, the megrims, mopery, disconsolateness, disconsolation

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Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious mental disorder that negatively affects how you feel, think, act, and perceive the world.
Depression (also known as major depression, major depressive disorder, or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder.
3 days ago · 1. an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: such as a : a state of feeling sad : low spirits : melancholy
Oct 14, 2022 · Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression.
Mar 31, 2023 · Depressive disorder (also known as depression) is a common mental disorder. It involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long ...
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things and activities you once enjoyed. It's treatable.
Depression is a common mental health condition that can happen to anyone. It is characterized by a low mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for ...
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic Statistical ...
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Depression is extreme sadness or despair that lasts more than days. It interferes with the activities of daily life and can cause physical symptoms.
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A mental condition marked by ongoing feelings of sadness, despair, loss of energy, and difficulty dealing with normal daily life.
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