definition deplores from
... deplored ; lament- able ; sad ; hopeless ; contemptible , despic- ablet . H. , deplorably , 43 , ad .; deplorable- [ A deploring ; a dirge ( mus . ) . ness , s . 91 . Deploration , dep - lo - ra ' - shun , de - plore - K . , s ...
definition deplores from
An Exhaustive Dictionary of the English Language : Practical and Comprehensive : Giving the Fullest Definition ... deplores or laments ; a mourner , a lamenter . dě - plör -ing , pr . par . , a . & 8. [ DEPLORE . ] deponent * dē ...
definition deplores from
... deplore . Full eft our human foresight I deplore . Syn . To deplore is a stronger expression than to lament . He that laments or bewails grieves aloud ; he that deplores or mourns grieves silently . See BEWAIL . DE - PLORED ' , p . a ...
definition deplores from
Safire's Political Dictionary is a stem-to-stern updating and expansion of the Language of Politics, which was first published in 1968 and last revised in 1993, long before such terms as Hanging Chads, 9/11 and the War on Terror became part ...
definition deplores from
... deploring . Το DEPLORE . v . a . [ deploro , Lat . ] To la- ment ; to bewail ; to bemoan . Dryden . DEPLORER . f . [ from deplore . ] A lamenter ; a mourner . DEPLUMA'TION . f . [ deplumatio , Lat . ] 1 . Plucking off the feathers ...
definition deplores from
... deplores the lack of a systematic , coordinated approach to and a precise definition of vocational education ; it argues for a reappraisal of the goals and accomplish- ments of the whole educational enterprise ; and cites the need ...
definition deplores from
... deplore . Dryden . Full oft our human foresight I deplore . Wordsworth . Syn . To deplore is a stronger expression than to lament . He that laments or bewails grieves aloud ; he that deplores or mourns grieves silently . See BE- WAIL ...
definition deplores from
This beautifully designed edition presents Dr. King's speech in its entirety, paying tribute to this extraordinary leader and his immeasurable contribution, and inspiring a new generation of activists dedicated to carrying on the fight for ...
definition deplores from
... deplores and of- fers a narrow definition of women. The first form of sexist language is deploration, meaning that there has been observed a large number of words that offer a negative perception of anything that is related to women ...
definition deplores from
... meaning of " thought " does not permit so lighthearted and restrictive a definition . He deplores the difficulty of " having to use the same words for differ- ent things . " 31 But when it actually comes to using " thought " in his ...