
Learn to pronounce de·pict

show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
"paintings depicting Old Testament scenes"
synonyms: portray, represent, picture, illustrate, delineate, outline, reproduce, render, draw, paint, sketch, draft, limn

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5 days ago · 1. to represent by or as if by a picture; a mural depicting a famous battle. 2. describe sense 1 the way the novelist depicts his female characters.
to represent or show something in a picture or story: Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.
Depict definition: to represent by or as if by painting or other visual image; portray; delineate. . See examples of DEPICT used in a sentence.
When you depict something, you draw a picture of it, describe it, or show what it looks like. So grab a crayon, a paint brush, or even an Etch-A-Sketch and ...
2 senses: 1. to represent by or as by drawing, sculpture, painting, etc; delineate; portray 2. to represent in words; describe.
DEPICT meaning: 1 : to show (someone or something) in a picture, painting, photograph, etc.; 2 : to describe (someone or something) using words, a story, ...
to show an image of somebody/something in a picture. Extra Examples The carving clearly depicts a dragon inside a circle.
to show an image of someone or something in a picture; depict somebody/something (as somebody/something); a painting depicting the Virgin and Child.
Definition & Meaning of "depict" ... to describe a specific subject, scene, person, etc. ... In her novel, the author vividly depicted the characters' emotions, ...
OED's earliest evidence for depict is from around 1430, in the writing of John Lydgate, poet and prior of Hatfield Regis. depict is a borrowing from Latin.