definition dependently from
... definition of hfold requires the auxiliary func- tion hmap , and hmap cannot easily be defined from hfold . ( 2 ) ... dependently typed fold below. We present a new approach to defining fold functions for nested data types , which we ...
definition dependently from
... means , “ in- dependently of all other causes " ; the death being the proximate result of the injury , and not of the disease as an independent cause . French v . Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New York , 115 N. W. 869 , 874 , 135 Wis . 259 ...
definition dependently from
... definition , this pre- cludes nonverbal information from covering features other than medium - de- pendent ones : nonverbal signs solely refer to presentational aids which are perceived either visually or acoustically , and by which ...
definition dependently from
... definition by dependently-typed case anal- ysis can be expressed by means of a set of equations — the semantic approach — or by an explicit pattern-matching construction — the syn- tactic approach. We aim at putting together the best of ...
definition dependently from
... dependently dominated by any k sk(S). Proof: By the definitions of Maxdist(.) and Mindist(.), Maxdist(q, MBR( ) d(L ... definition of lsk(S, q). First, it is self-evident by Lemma 1 that t is not location-dependently dominated by ...
definition dependently from
... dependently arisen phenomena . Claiming that emptiness and dependently arisen phenomena are mutually entailing , on the other hand , means that an enlightened being , lacking any experience of dependently arisen phenomena , could have ...
definition dependently from
... dependently typed definition of matrices—by using Coq's Program feature.) Although the correctness proof of our algorithm heavily relies on matricial reasoning, and in particular block matrix decompositions, we have not found major ...
definition dependently from
... Definition 2. A knowledge base KB is classically inconsistent iff KB has no classical model. A knowledge base which ... dependently inconsistent with respect to D, denoted D-inconsistent, if KB has no classical model with respect ...
definition dependently from
... Definition 20 ( Dependent hyperimmunity ) . A formula 4 ( U , V ) is essen- tial if for every x E w , there is a finite set R > x such that for every y Є w , there is a finite set S > y such that ( R , S ) holds . A pair of sets Ao , A1 ...
definition dependently from
... dependent types . Luckily , the details are not so important here ; types alone indicate that insertion preserves balancedness , and we will prove that insertion produces trees containing the right keys . Definition balance1 n ( a ...