
Learn to pronounce dec·o·rate

  1. make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.
    "the town was decorated with Christmas lights"
    synonyms: ornament, adorn, trim, embellish, garnish, furnish, accessorize, enhance, grace, enrich, festoon, garland, trick out, bedeck, beautify, prettify, furbelow
  2. confer an award or medal on (a member of the armed forces).
    "he was decorated for outstanding bravery"
    synonyms: give a medal to, pin a medal on, honor, confer an award on, cite, mention in dispatches, reward

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7 days ago · adorn, decorate, ornament, embellish, beautify, deck, garnish mean to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential. adorn ...
verb (used with object) · to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming; embellish: · to plan and execute the design, furnishings, and ornamentation ...
decorate verb [T] (MAKE ATTRACTIVE) ... to add something to an object or place, esp. to make it more attractive: They decorated the table with flowers and candles ...
4 senses: 1. to make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc 2. to paint or wallpaper (a room, house, etc) 3. to confer.
decorate Add to list Share · verb. make more attractive by adding ornament, color, etc. “Decorate the room for the party” · verb. provide with decoration.
1. having been awarded a mark or marks of honor; Jimmy Stewart, a decorated World War II bomber pilot, had fought for the part with studio executives.
1. to make (something) more attractive usually by putting something on it [+ object] Several expensive paintings decorate [=adorn] the walls.
to add something to an object or place, especially in order to make it more attractive: They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.
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[transitive] to make something look more attractive by putting things on it. decorate something with something They decorated the room with flowers and ...
Decorate Definition · To add something to so as to make more attractive; adorn; ornament. · To plan or implement the interior decoration of a house, room, ...