Apr 8, 2004 · Compositionality is about bottom-up meaning-determination, while the context principle about top-down meaning-determination. As long as it is ...
People also ask
What is an example of compositionality in language?
What is an example of compositional meaning?
What is the rule of compositionality?
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Compositionality is a concept in the philosophy of language. A symbolic system is compositional if the meaning of every complex expression E in that system ...
In semantics, mathematical logic and related disciplines, the principle of compositionality is the principle that the meaning of a complex expression is determined by the meanings of its constituent expressions and the rules used to combine them. Wikipedia
Oct 28, 2011 · In one sense—let's call it the “ontological sense”—some complex thing is compositional if it is identical with its parts (with due consideration ...
Compositionality is a property that a language may have and may lack, namely the property that the meaning of any complex expression is determined by the ...
The principle of compositionality is the claim that the meaning of a complex expression is determined by its structure and the meanings of its constituents.
The Compositionality Principle: The meaning of a complex phrase is determined solely by the meanings of its parts and their syntax. A semantic system ...
A language is compositional if the meaning of complex expression is derivable from the meaning of its parts and the way in which they are combined.
This means that the meaning of a sentence is determined by the meaning of the words that it contains, and how these words were put together.
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Compositionality is the principle that the meaning of a complex expression, such as a sentence, is determined by the meanings of its parts and how they are ...
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