
Learn to pronounce com·po·si·tion

  1. the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.
    "the social composition of villages"
    synonyms: makeup, constitution, configuration, structure, construction, conformation, formation, form, framework, fabric, anatomy, arrangement, organization, format, layout, setup
  2. a work of music, literature, or art.
    "Chopin's most romantic compositions"
    synonyms: work of art, work, creation, literary/musical/artistic work, opus, oeuvre, piece, arrangement, poem, novel, play, drama, symphony, concerto, opera, painting, drawing, picture
  3. the preparing of text for printing by setting up the characters in order.
    "an external contractor providing computerized composition and typesetting"
  4. a legal agreement to pay an amount of money in lieu of a larger debt or other obligation.
    "he had been released by deed on making a composition with the creditors"

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Aug 28, 2024 · 1. a : the act or process of composing; specifically : arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form.
Composition is the way in which different elements of an artwork are combined or arranged. The artist has complete freedom when choosing the composition of ...
Composition is another word for writing — the act of writing or the piece of writing that results. It also refers to what something is made of.
something that a person has created or written, esp. a text, a work of art, or a piece of music, or the act of creating or writing something.
Tate glossary definition for composition: The arrangement of elements within a work of art.
noun · the act of putting together or making up by combining parts or ingredients · something formed in this manner or the resulting state or quality; a mixture.
composition in American English · 1. the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole · 2. the resulting state or product · 3. manner of being composed; ...
COMPOSITION meaning: 1 : the way in which something is put together or arranged the combination of parts or elements that make up something; ...
Jun 7, 2024 · A composition (from the Latin "to put together") is the way a writer assembles words and sentences to create a coherent and meaningful work.
Noun · The act of putting together; assembly. · A mixture or compound; the result of composing. · The proportion of different parts to make a whole. · The ...