
Learn to pronounce col·or·ful

  1. having much or varied color; bright.
    "a colorful array of fruit"
    synonyms: brightly colored, bright-colored, deep-colored, brilliant, glowing, radiant, vivid, rich, vibrant, eye-catching, flamboyant, showy, gaudy, glaring, garish, flashy, multicolored, multicolor, many-colored, many-hued, rainbow, rainbow-like, varicolored, variegated, harlequin, motley, prismatic, polychromatic, psychedelic, jazzy
  2. full of interest; lively and exciting.
    "a controversial and colorful character"
    synonyms: vivid, graphic, lively, animated, dramatic, striking, arresting, picturesque, interesting, stimulating, fascinating, scintillating, rich, evocative, detailed, highly colored

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Sep 11, 2024 · 1. having striking colors; colorful scenery. 2. a : full of variety or interest; a colorful description; b of speech : rude, offensive.
COLOURFUL meaning: 1. having bright colours or a lot of different colours: 2. interesting and exciting: 3. UK…. Learn more.
adjective · having intense colour or richly varied colours · vivid, rich, or distinctive in character. “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” ...
1. having intense colour or richly varied colours 2. vivid, rich, or distinctive in character Collins English Dictionary.
varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles. deep, rich. strong; intense. fluorescent. brilliantly colored and apparently giving ...
COLORFUL meaning: 1 : having a bright color or a lot of different colors full of color; 2 : interesting or exciting.
COLORFUL meaning: 1. US spelling of colourful 2. having bright colors or a lot of different colors : 3. interesting…. Learn more.
Definitions of colorful. adjective. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination.
full of bright colours or having a lot of different colours. colourful shop windows; The male birds are more colourful than the females.
colourful meaning, definition, what is colourful: having bright colours or a lot of differ...: Learn more.
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