
Learn to pronounce col·or

  1. the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.
    "the lights flickered and changed color"
    synonyms: hue, shade, tint, tone, tinge, cast, tincture
  2. pigmentation of the skin, especially as an indication of someone's ethnicity.
    "discrimination on the basis of color"
    synonyms: skin color, skin coloring, skin tone, complexion, coloring, pigmentation, race, ethnic group, stock
  3. vividness of visual appearance resulting from the presence of brightly colored things.
    "for color, plant groups of winter-flowering pansies"
  4. an item or items of a particular color or combination of colors worn to identify an individual or a member of a school, group, or organization.
    "it was Devon Loch's first victory in the colors of his royal owner"
  5. a shade of meaning.
    "many events in her past had taken on a different color"
  6. a quantized property of quarks which can take three values (designated blue, green, and red) for each flavor.
  7. a particle of gold remaining in a mining pan after most of the mud and gravel have been washed away.

  1. change the color of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.
    "he colored her hair with a selection of blonde and brown shades"
    synonyms: tint, dye, tinge, shade, pigment, stain, color-wash, color in, paint
  2. (of a person or their skin) show embarrassment or shame by becoming red; blush.
    "everyone stared at him, and he colored slightly"
    synonyms: blush, redden, go pink/red, turn red/crimson/scarlet, flush, crimson
  3. influence, especially in a negative way; distort.
    "the experiences had colored her whole existence"
    synonyms: influence, affect, slant, taint, pervert, warp, twist, skew, distort, bias, prejudice, poison

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The meaning of COLOR is a phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or gray) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical ...
5 days ago · Color, the aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation. In physics, color is associated ...
4 days ago · COLOUR meaning: 1. red, blue, green, yellow, etc.: 2. the pleasant effect of a bright colour or of a lot of…. Learn more.
The colour of something is the appearance that it has as a result of reflecting light. Red, blue, and green are colours. What colour ...
noun · the skin complexion of a person, esp as determined by his race · ( as modifier ). colour problem. colour prejudice.
Color is defined as the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them.
noun. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect.
There are 47 meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun colour, four of which are labelled obsolete, and one of which is considered offensive.
[countable, uncountable] the appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect light. Red, orange and green are colours.