
Learn to pronounce ce·men·ta·tion

  1. the binding together of particles or other things by cement.
  2. a process of altering a metal by heating it in contact with a powdered solid, especially a former method of making steel by heating iron in contact with charcoal.

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1. a process of surrounding a solid with a powder and heating the whole so that the solid is changed by chemical combination with the powder.
the process by which solid material that has been dissolved in water sticks together to form rock when the water evaporates (= changes to a gas)
noun · the process of heating a solid with a powdered material to modify the properties of the solid, esp the heating of wrought iron, surrounded with charcoal, ...
Cementation is the precipitation of a binding material around grains, thereby filling the pores of a sediment.
3 senses: 1. the process of heating a solid with a powdered material to modify the properties of the solid, esp the heating of.
noun. the action or process of binding particles together; the state of being bound together; (also figurative)
Cementation, in geology, hardening and welding of clastic sediments (those formed from preexisting rock fragments) by the precipitation of mineral matter in ...
Cementation (biology), the process whereby some sessile bivalve mollusks (and some other shelled invertebrates) attach themselves permanently to a hard ...
Cementation is the process where minerals from supersaturated water precipitate from, or come out of, the water and cement in the pore spaces between ...