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Definition of 'cedant'
The cedant is the person or company that cedes business to another person or company. A reinsurer may agree to deposit a proportion of the reinsurance premium as a reserve for unearned premiums, which is then set aside by the cedant for future liabilities.
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A cedent is a party in an insurance contract who passes the financial obligation for certain potential losses to the insurer.
also cedens. ˈsēˌdenz. plural cedents also cedentes : an assignor of a debt or claim. 2. Scots law : an assignor of property or claims by a deed of conveyance.
A cedant is an insurance company that transfers some or all of the risk it has underwritten to a reinsurer.
A cedent is a ceding insurer or a reinsurer.
Feb 29, 2024 ˇ What Does Cedent Mean? A cedent is a party who gives the responsibility for reimbursing certain risks to another party.
Cedant means the Contract Holder who cedes its rights to the benefits of the Contract either as an Outright Cession or as a Security Cession.
Noun. cédant m (plural cédants, feminine cédante) (law) transferor (of a right etc)
Mar 19, 2019 ˇ The company that purchases the reinsurance policy is called a "ceding company" or "cedent" or "cedant" under most arrangements.
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Noun. cedent (plural cedents) The person who cedes a personal obligation to another.