provide food and drink, typically at social events and in a professional capacity.
"he catered a lunch for 20 people"
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Sep 4, 2024 · 1. to provide a supply of food; cater for a large party. 2. to supply what is required or desired; catering to middle-class tastes.
to provide, and sometimes serve, food: I'm catering for twelve on Sunday - the whole family is coming. Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?
verb (used without object) · to provide food, service, etc., as for a party or wedding: to cater for a banquet. · to provide or supply what amuses, is desired, ...
To cater means to supply food for meetings or celebrations. If you're having a big barbecue party but would rather hang out with your friends than grill, ...
to provide food and drinks at a party, meeting, etc., especially as a job [no object] The restaurant caters for parties/banquets/receptions.
1. to provide food; serve as a caterer 2. to take special pains in seeking to gratify another's needs or desires with to or, in Brit. usage, for
8 days ago · : to provide what is wanted or needed by (someone or something) The inn caters exclusively to foreign tourists. The library caters to scientists.
Cater Definition · To provide food or entertainment. · To serve as caterer for (a banquet, wedding, etc.) · To take special pains in seeking to gratify ...
(transitive, intransitive) To provide with food, especially for a special occasion as a professional service.
1. To provide food or entertainment. 2. To be particularly attentive or solicitous; minister: The nurses catered to my every need.