small concave pieces of wood, ivory, or plastic, joined in pairs by a cord and clicked together by the fingers as a rhythmic accompaniment to Spanish dancing.
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The meaning of CASTANET is a percussion instrument used especially by dancers that consists of two small shells of hard wood, ivory, or plastic usually ...
Castanet definition: either of a pair of concave pieces of wood held in the palm of the hand and clicked together, usually to accompany dancing.
Castanets are small wooden rattles, made in the shape of two bowls or cups, fitted together, and tied by a string, and then fastened to the thumbs.
Castanets, also known as clackers or palillos, are a percussion instrument (idiophone), used in Spanish, Calé, Moorish, Ottoman, Italian, Mexican, Sephardic, ...
a percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together.
Castanets are a Spanish musical instrument consisting of two small round pieces of wood or plastic held together by a cord. You hold the castanets in your hand ...
a musical instrument that consists of two small round pieces of wood that you hold in the hand and hit together with the fingers to make a noise.
(music, chiefly in the plural) A single handheld percussion instrument consisting of a pair of concave shells or shell-shaped parts joined on one edge by string ...
Castanet definition: A percussion instrument consisting of a pair of slightly concave shells of ivory or hardwood, held in the palm of the hand by a ...
noun either of a pair of concave pieces of wood held in the palm of the hand and clicked together, usually to accompany dancing.