
Learn to pronounce buf·fet

  1. a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.
    "a cold buffet lunch"
    synonyms: cold table, cold meal, self-service, smorgasbord
  2. a room or counter in a station, hotel, or other public building selling light meals or snacks.
    synonyms: cafe, cafeteria, snack bar, canteen, salad bar, refreshment stall/counter, restaurant
  3. a cabinet with shelves and drawers for keeping dinnerware and table linens; a sideboard.
    synonyms: sideboard, cabinet, china cupboard, counter

People also ask
1. a blow especially with the hand 2. something that strikes with telling force buffet 2 of 4 verb buf· fet ˈbə-fət buffeted; buffeting; buffets
a meal where people serve themselves different types of food: Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?
noun · a variety of dishes presented in a line, from which diners in a restaurant serve themselves, usually at a fixed price regardless of how much one eats:.
Although the noun can refer to food set out for self-service, buffet also means "a blow, especially with the hand" or, as a verb, "to strike sharply."
A buffet is a meal of food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves.
1. a meal for which different foods are placed on a table so that people can serve themselves. The restaurant offers a breakfast buffet.
A buffet can be either a sideboard or a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners serve themselves.
1[often passive] buffet somebody/something to knock or push someone or something roughly from side to side to be buffeted by the wind. Want to learn more?
Buffet Definition · Any blow or shock. · A piece of furniture with drawers and cupboards for dishes, table linen, silver, etc.; sideboard. · A counter or table ...
buffet · to strike against or push repeatedly: The wind buffeted the house. · to struggle against; battle:buffeted by a series of financial disasters.