
Learn to pronounce bod·y·guard

a person or group of people hired to escort and protect another person, especially a dignitary.
"he became a highly respected military figure and also served as a presidential bodyguard"
synonyms: guard, protector, guardian, defender, keeper, escort, companion, chaperone, minder, heavy, bouncer, hired gun

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7 days ago · a usually armed attendant or group of attendants whose duty is to protect a person. Examples of bodyguard in a Sentence.
a person or group of people whose job is to protect someone from attack. The prince is always accompanied by his bodyguards.
A bodyguard is a type of security guard, government law enforcement officer, or servicemember who protects an important person or group of people, ...
noun · a person or group of persons employed to guard an individual, as a high official, from bodily harm. · a retinue; escort.
1. a person or group of persons employed to guard an individual, as a high official, from bodily harm 2. a retinue; escort
a person or group of people whose job is to protect someone. [count]. They entered the building surrounded by bodyguards.
[countable + singular or plural verb] a person or a group of people who are employed to protect somebody. The President's bodyguard is/are armed.
noun. Definition of bodyguard. as in guard. a person or group of people whose job is to protect someone They entered the building surrounded by bodyguards. ...
Noun. bodyguard (plural bodyguards) A person or group of persons, often armed, responsible for protecting someone.