
Learn to pronounce belles-let·tres

essays, particularly on literary and artistic criticism, written and read primarily for their aesthetic effect.
"he inspired me with the desire to restore writing on art to nineteenth century belles-lettres"

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Belles-lettres is a category of writing, originally meaning beautiful or fine writing. In the modern narrow sense, it is a label for literary works that do ...
The meaning of BELLES LETTRES is literature that is an end in itself and not merely informative; specifically : light, entertaining, and often sophisticated ...
8 days ago · In a narrower sense it means belles-lettres, writings done with a purpose of entermainment, leisure, self-expression, and so on, like poems, ...
BELLES-LETTRES, subst. fém. plur. A.− Ensemble de textes envisagés du point de vue de leur valeur littéraire. 1. [Comme textes créés ou à créer] : 1. ... De là ...
light and elegant literature, especially that which is excessively refined, characterized by aestheticism, and minor in subject, substance, or scope.
(Littérature) Ensemble des œuvres littéraires de fiction appréciées pour leur esthétique plus que pour leur contenu pédagogique ou informatif. Dérivés dans d' ...
Literally, belles-lettres is a French phrase meaning “beautiful” or “fine” writing. What forms does it take? Chiefly three: prose, poetry, and drama.
Jul 24, 2024 · Définition, exemples et prononciation de belles-lettres : La littérature (du point de vue esthétique).…
(obsolete) The humanities. (archaic) Literature, particularly light compositions valued for their aesthetic properties.
There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun belles-lettres. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.