
Learn to pronounce as·so·ci·at·ed

(of a person or thing) connected with something else.
"two associated events"
synonyms: related, connected, linked, correlated, analogous, similar, alike, kindred, corresponding, attendant, accompanying, auxiliary, accessory, incidental, cognate

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The meaning of ASSOCIATED is joined together often in a working relationship. How to use associated in a sentence.
Aug 28, 2024 · ASSOCIATED meaning: 1. connected: 2. connected: 3. used in the names of companies that consist of a number of smaller…. Learn more.
Associated definition: connected with something else so as to exist or occur along with it; accompanying or corresponding (often used in combination).
4 days ago · 1. to join as a partner, friend, or companion; They were closely associated with each other during the war. 2. to join or connect together : combine.
(əsoʊʃieɪtɪd , -sieɪ- ) 1. adjective. If one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected with each other.
someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion, friend, or business partner. A close associate of the author denied reports that she had ...
verb (used with object) · to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc.: Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom.
if one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other.
Adjective · (of a person or thing) Connected with something or another person. an associated member: the associated risks · (of a company) Connected or ...
As a verb, associate can mean to make a connection between things or concepts. You might associate the smell of lemons with summer memories of selling lemonade.