ac·a·dem·ic year
/ˌakəˈdemik yir/
the period of the year during which students attend an educational institution, usually from September to June.
"during the 2002-2003 academic year she worked as a research fellow"
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6 days ago · noun : the annual period of sessions of an educational institution usually beginning in September and ending in June
8 days ago · the period of time each year when people attend school, college, or university, usually starting in September: He will be transferring ...
Mar 28, 2021 · The academic year is one component used in determining a student's eligibility for Title IV aid. A school may have different academic years for ...
Academic year definition - WTS Info Center › articles › 1167575-academic-year-definition
Westminster's academic year is defined as a minimum of two Periods of Enrollment (POEs), comprised of the fall and winter/spring semesters.
An academic year, or school year, is a period that schools, colleges and universities use to measure the duration of studies for a given educational level.
An academic year is one complete school year at the same school, or two complete, half years at different schools.
noun the customary annual period of instruction at a college, university, etc., running approximately from September to June. Also called: school year.
Academic year definition: the customary annual period of instruction at a college, university, etc., running approximately from September to June.
An academic year, also known as a school year, is the period of time during which educational institutions conduct formal instruction and academic activities. ...
Our semester-academic year consists of 32 weeks of instruction (two, 16-week semesters). The maximum enrollment period (maximum time frame) is 1.5 times the ...