I am a Director, advisor and investor with over 40 years experience in the global technology and digital media industries. My previous experience includes ...
Director, advisor, former CEO @Xero – Love helping leaders create a great workplace for their people, my family, 70's rock and the NY Jets.
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Check out professional insights posted by Steve Vamos, Director, advisor and former CEO at Xero, Microsoft Australia, Apple Asia Pacific.
Steve Vamos is a speaker, advisor and Director with over 40 years experience in the global technology and digital media industries. He has lived and worked ...
Steve Vamos, CEO, Xero. XU: It seems like a lifetime ago since we interviewed you back in 2018. You've been in the role for 4 years now, how has that time been?
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Nov 10, 2022 · Steve Vamos announced his resignation from Xero on Thursday, while revealing the company had 30 per cent revenue growth in the half to ...
Steve Vamos is Former Chief Executive Officer at Xero Ltd. See Steve Vamos's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
Steven Martin Vamos serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Steve's focus in all his management roles has been to build great teams and a business ...
Steve Vamos, CEO of Xero talks to CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs about their path to success in an increasingly complex and fast changing world.
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He is a respected thought leader, who brings more than four decades of experience in global technology to a company that has a purpose to make life better for ...
Missing: Steven | Show results with:Steven