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Psychotria subspathacea has been used in traditional medicine to treat fever, malaria, and dysentery. It is also used as a food source and as a source of dyes.
Isosyntype of Psychotria subspathacea Müll. Arg. [family RUBIACEAE]. Herbarium. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (F), F0070652F. Collection.
Native to: Aldabra, Andaman Is., Angola, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Assam, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bismarck Archipelago, ...
The genus Psychotria is one of the largest genera of flowering plants and contains 1582 species from the family Rubiaceae.
Species: Psychotria subspathacea Date: 1950-03-25 State: Rio Grande do Sul. Institution: Museu de Ciências Univates Collection: Herbário do Vale do Taquari ...
Subshrubs, shrubs or trees, rarely scandent, occasionally epiphytic. Leaves rarely sessile, opposite; stipules free or connate, usually caducous. Inf orescences ...
Psychotria is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It contains 1,645 species and is therefore one of the largest genera of flowering plants.
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Rubiaceae: genus; Psychotria: species; Psychotria subspathacea. Name. Homonyms: Uragoga subspathacea (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze. Bibliographic References. Revis. Gen.