Found in Espirito Santo state of Brazilat elevations of 400 to 700 metrers as a warm to cool growing epiphyte that blooms on a paniculate inflroescence ...
Grow Pseudolaelia in baskets with a medium grade epiphyte mixture or on slabs with no moisture retaining material at the roots. Provide high light levels, ...
The native range of this species is Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo). It is a pseudobulbous epiphyte or lithophyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical ...
Genus Pseudolaelia · Pseudolaelia dutrae; Photo Browser. Photos of Pseudolaelia dutrae. Filter by Place. Order by: Faves. Faves; Date Added. Photo Licensing: ...
Description. seudolaelia dutrae is a species of Liliopsida described by Augusto Ruschi. Pseudolaelia dutrae belongs to the genus Pseudolaelia, and the family ...
Jul 8, 2024 · Cymbidium aloifolium #1 - Drawf form from Kobsukh Kaenratana _ A quite nice color form for the species. This is also a heat tolerant species ...
This new species of Pseudolaelia belongs to the group of wide petals character of P. corcovadensis and P. geraensis from which it is easily distinguished by the ...
... Pseudolaelia is endemic to rupestrian ecosystems in eastern Brazil, i.e., inselbergs from the Atlantic Forest (ES, RJ, and MG), and rupestrian fields (campo ...
Pseudolaelia dutrae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. Pseudolaelia dutraei. Dutra's Pseudolaeila is a cool to warm growing orchid ...
In the same granitic outcrop, another species are found such as Pseudolaelia dutrae Ruschi (abundantly) and Encyclia spiritusanctensis Menezes, associated to ...