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Piper umbellatum, commonly known as cow-foot leaf, is a species of pepper plant native to the Americas, including Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, ...
Piper umbellatum
Piper umbellatum, commonly known as cow-foot leaf, is a species of pepper plant native to the Americas, including Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and tropical regions of South America. It has been widely naturalized in other tropical... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Pothomorphe umbellata
Family: Piperaceae
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An evaluation of Pothomorphe umbellata leaves extract against malaria in mice has shown a significant reduction of parasitemia in a dose dependant manner ( ...
A soft-wooded shrub, commonly about 2-3 m. high; flowering internodes from densely rusty-villous to soft-puberulent and commonly more or less hairy in lines ...
Roots of Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. are used in traditional medicine of Africa and South America for the treatment of malaria and helminthiasis.
Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. First published in Comm. Phytogr.: 36 (1840). This name is a synonym of ...
Anti-inflammatory activity of Pothomorphe peltata leaf methanol extract
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
The methanol extract of Pothomorphe peltata leaves, orally administered at the dose of 20 mg/kg (equivalent to 2.50 g dry plant/kg) body weight, ...
Shrub or woody herb 0.9–4 m. tall, with many subsucculent stems forming a dense clump from a woody rootstock; stems scrambling, thick, glabrous, with ...
Pothomorphe umbellatum, or pariparoba, is a plant of Amazonian origin that has been traditionally used in folk remedies for digestive and liver-related ...
Pothomorphe peltata. Ethnobotanical Plant Pothomorphe peltata. Common Name. Feuilles A Coeur; Collet A Dame; Yagrumo; Broquelejo; Fait Collet. Activities.
Pothomorphe peltata (L.) Miq.(Large-leaf finger tree, Cowfoot, Cowheel bush, Monkey hand, Cowfoot leaf). Family Piperaceae. Genus Pothomorphe. 'World flora.