The native range of this species is Central Brazil. It is a helophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
The native range of this species is Central Brazil. It is a helophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Hoja: estípula(s) assimétrica(s); pecíolo(s) distinta(s)/indistincto. Flor: andróforo presente(s); estambre(s) 2; estigma(s) lobada(s). Fruto: superficie(s) ...
Podostemum scaturiginum is a species of herb in the family river weeds. They are associated with freshwater habitat. They are native to Mata Atlântica, ...
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Podostemum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Podostemaceae. It is an aquatic plant with threadlike roots that attaches to rocks.
720 (R). Leaves of P. scaturiginum are entire or two-lobed. The lobes can be obscured when the leaves are clustered near the apex. Leaves several nodes back ...
Podostemum scaturiginum is a species of plants with 0 observations.
Basionym: Mniopsis scaturiginum Mart. Higher Taxa: Taxonomy Browser Concept: Andean Bryophytes, Bolivia Checklist, Catalogue of New World Grasses, Ecuador ...
Podostemum ; Family: Podostemaceae. Podostemum image. Gleason & Cronquist; Resources · Vascular plants of NE US and adjacent Canada.