Did you mean: Pleopeltis alborufus
Pleopeltis alborufula from
For a few American genera, that are especially complex in the Old World, it has been necessary to limit their treatment to the American representatives and this is specifically indicated in those cases.
Pleopeltis alborufula from
The book is organized into major topics that build from the individual and its biochemistry and structure, to genetics and populations, to interactions among individuals and the conservation of species, and concludes with perspectives on ...
Pleopeltis alborufula from
Provides an index to the family, generic, infrageneric and specific names of ferns and fern allies...present(ing) the names as published, without taxonomic judgement.
Pleopeltis alborufula from
Many approaches are usually tailored to the region of aspects of this diversity are critical for main the world where the scientists' work is focused. taining the healthy functioning of biological This book presents accounts of many tech ...