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Phlebodium pseudoaureum aka Blue Rabbit's Foot Fern is natvie to Mexico, South America, is hardy in 8a to 10b, at least, grows to 12.
This hardy fern, a member of the Polypodiaceae family, is distinguished by its large wingspan and glaucous-green foliage.
$28.00 Out of stock
Awesome blue-green foliage to 3' with hairy surface rhizomes. This will work as a houseplant but if you can grow it outside, why not? Grow in airy well-drained ...
Phlebodium pseudoaureum is an evergreen or semi-evergreen fern with blue and green foliage. Features glaucous texture. Grows well with bright shade - shade ...
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Phlebodium areolatum, the Virginia blue fern, is a species of epiphytic fern in the family Polypodiaceae. It is native to the New World Tropics and Subtropics.
false golden polypody. Classification. Kingdom. Plantae - Plants. Subkingdom. Tracheobionta - Vascular plants. Division. Pteridophyta - Ferns. Class.
May 24, 2021 · Classification & Common Names · Class: Polypodiopsida · Family: Polypodiaceae · Genus: Phlebodium (R.Br.) J.Sm. · Species: Phlebodium ...
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical America. It is a rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. It is used as a ...
Phlebodium Pseudoaureum – Virginia Blue Fern, Blue Rabbit's Foot Fern is a great fern for the terrarium with fronds up to 10″ long. The leaves of Phlebodium ...
€11.90 Out of stock
Polypodium or Phlebodium pseudoaureum is a fern for moist to temporarily dry, humus-rich or sandy soil, slightly acidic or neutral. It needs a well-drained soil ...