Grandiphyllum is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Orchidaceae. Grandiphyllum. Onc.sphegiferum flwr. Scientific classification · Edit this ...
The native range of this genus is SE. & S. Brazil to NE. Argentina. Taxonomy · Images. Distribution; Synonyms; Accepted Species; Classification ...
ORIGIN: Found in Brazil on the moist slopes of the coastal mountains near the crests at elevations of 1500 meters. DESCRIPTION: Small to medium sized, ...


Grandiphyllum is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Orchidaceae. Its native range is Southeastern and Southern Brazil to Northeastern Argentina. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Grandiphyllum
Bloom characteristics: Erect to arching inflorescence is 5-12" (12.5-30 cm) long with 40 long-lived, yellow and brown flowers. Flowers are .12" (5-6 mm) across.
Grandiphyllum divaricatum is a species of plants with 15 observations.
Morphology. Flower: lip form callus square segment rounded; lip division callous 4 segment; column wing stigmatice conspicuous; tabula infrastigmatic ...
Grandiphyllum divaricatum, Greenhouse Indoors, 01 Apr 1996, Dead, Plant, Longwood Gardens, Cultivated, Mobot · 1980-0953 · 2, Grandiphyllum ...
The native range of this species is SE. & S. Brazil to NE. Argentina. It is a pseudobulbous epiphyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
Grandiphyllum auricula (Vell.) Docha Neto(Mule-ear orchid). Family Orchidaceae. Genus Grandiphyllum. 'World flora.