Fernseea bocainensis from
Francisco Oliva Esteva. FERNSEEA BOCAINENSIS Pereira & Mountinho Género de 2 especies . Planta pequeña , estolonífera . Hojas rosu- ladas y densamente foliadas , lineares , 70-80 cm largo , 1 cm ancho , largamente contraídas . Escapo ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... Fernseea bocainensis sp . nov . 4 RONNBERGIA GUZMANIA Luther , H. E. Rauh , W. Guzmania blassii , an attractive new species from Costa Rica . J. Bromeliad Soc . , 33 ( 2 ) : 66–68 ( 1983 ) — En ; col . illus . Rauh , W. Bromelienstudien ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... FERNSEEA Pereira , E. , Moutinho Neto , J. L. Species novae in Brasilia Bromeliacearum : 20 . Bradea , 3 ( 38 ) : 339–348 ( 1983 ) — En , Por ; illus . , map . Fernseea bocainensis sp . nov . Pitcairnias . J. Brit . Bromeliad Soc ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... Fernseea bocainensis Pereira & Moutinho , which is the second species described in this genus , differs from F. itatiaiae Baker mainly by its leaves narrowed toward the base , not forming pseudobulbs and by its dense inflorescence with ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... Fernseea bocainensis E. Pereira & Moutinho Fernseea itatiaiae ( Wawra ) Baker Guzmania lingulata ( L. ) Mez var . lingulata Guzmania lingulata var . minor ( Mez ) L.B.Sm. & Pitten . Guzmania monostachia ( L. ) Rusby ex Mez var ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... Fernseea bocainensis E. Pereira & Moutinho , Bradea 3 ( 38 ) : 344. 1983 . " TYPUS : Estado de S. Paulo , Serra da Bocaina 1200m.s.m . Leg . Sergio e Luiz Carlos Gurken no 13 , 10. Ag . 1980. HOLOTYPUS HB . " EXEMPLAR HB - 70966 ...
Fernseea bocainensis from
... FERNSEEA 16-39.1 G. madisonii 48 16-86b G. melinonis var . quitensis 49 20-1.1 F. bocainensis 50 16-69b 16-118d G. morreniana var . tenuifolia 48 G. musaica var . discolor 50 3 FOSTERELLA 16-118e G. musaica var . rosea 50 16-112.1 G ...