Rating (3) · $22.00 · In stock
The felty, grey leaves adorn this 20" tall x 3' wide, heat- and drought-loving deciduous clump, topped from late spring until fall with terminal clusters of ...
Its vibrant orange/red flowers blossom throughout the summer and into the autumn months. It is drought tolerant and endures humidity, making this an ideal plant ...


Dicliptera is a genus of flowering plants in the bear's breeches family, Acanthaceae. It includes 223 species native to the tropics and subtropics worldwide. Well-known synonyms include Peristrophe and Dactylostegium. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Dicliptera
Family: Acanthaceae
Extinction status: Extinct
Genus: Dicliptera; Juss. (1807), nom. cons
Order: Lamiales
Tribe: Justicieae

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Dicliptera suberecta, commonly known as Hummingbird Plant, is a woody perennial from Uruguay. Felty, velvety gray foliage sets off the clusters of tubular, ...
A stunning, perennial, subshrub from Uruguay, to 18-24" wide and tall, with slender, velvety, gray foliage on erect or arching stems, lovely by itself.
Dicliptera is a genus of flowering plants in the bear's breeches family, Acanthaceae. It includes 223 species native to the tropics and subtropics worldwide ...
Rating (1) · $12.95 · Out of stock
To 2' tall and 3' across with refined, velvety, bluish-grey leaves and stems, it makes a great textural and foliar addition to your garden even before the show ...
Feb 6, 2023 · Conditions Comments: This plant is happy in a nice woodland garden with bright light where it will bloom best. Tolerates full sun, but may get ...
Oct 9, 2020 · The plant alone can grow 2 feet tall and can spread over 3 feet. An added benefit to the foliage of this plant is that deer aren't fond of it, ...
It is drought tolerant and endures humidity, making this an ideal plant for many areas. It typically forms a shrubby mound 18 to 24 inches tall and as wide.
Dicliptera squarrosa is a tender perennial that features ovate, velvety, gray-hairy leaves (to 2 1/2" long) and two-lipped, tubular reddish-orange flowers (1-3/ ...