Canistropsis pulcherrima is a species of flowering plant in the genus Canistropsis. ... This bromeliad is endemic to the Atlantic Forest biome (Mata Atlantica ...

Canistropsis pulcherrima

Canistropsis pulcherrima is a species of flowering plant in the genus Canistropsis. This bromeliad is endemic to the Atlantic Forest biome within Rio de Janeiro, located in southeastern Brazil. Wikipedia
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The native range of this species is Brazil (Rio de Janeiro: Ariró Bay). It is an epiphyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
Canistropsis pulcherrima is a species in the genus Canistropsis. The bromeliad is endemic to the Atlantic Forest biome (Mata Atlantica Brasileira) within ...
Comments: Canistropsis pulcherrima is known only from the type collection. According to its collectors this species was found in a flooded forest near sea ...
Distribution: BRAZIL; Rio de Janeiro, ; Etymology: The beautiful pink color of C. pulcherrima inspired the choice of name, from the Latin pulcher, in the ...
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Bromeliads are a unique indoor plant that are a popular choice for indoor garden displays. Bromeliads are hardy and require little maintenance.
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Canistropsis pulcherrima (E.Pereira & Leme) Leme. Published in: Canistropsis - Bromeliads Atlantic Forest: 40 (1998). source: Catalogue of Life Checklist.
Canistropsis pulcherrima. Canistropsis pulcherrima, (E.Pereira & Leme) Leme 1998 (Kew). syn. Nidularium pulcherrimum · Summary · Photos · Videos · Compare
These are shade-loving plants, very easy to grow, and multiply readily. Give them the same care you would Vriesea and Guzmania.
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Canistropsis is a genus of plants in the family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. Canistropsis. Canistropsis billbergioides.