Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia R. Brown SPIDER ORCHIDS TRIBE : Maxillarieae SUBTRIBE : Oncidiinae ETYMOLOGY : Named for William Brass ( d ... lawrenceana Lindley Pseudobulbs 10-12 cm long , laterally compressed , 2 - leaved . Leaves 20-40 cm long ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Lawrenceana longissima , Rchb . in Gard . Chron . 1868 , p . 1313. Bot . May . t . 5748 . The original Brassia Lawrenceana , figured by Lindley in the Botanical Register , and whose origin is doubtful , was cultivated by Mrs. Lawrence ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... brassia from the South American rain forest with even larger flowers . All of these are totally different to one ... lawrenceana is just " Sir Trevor Lawrence's cattleya , " Laelia gracilis is " the graceful laelia , " and so on ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia Lawrenceana longissima , 310 ; ocanensis , 132 . Brassocatlĉlia , 86 ; × Lawrencei , 863 ; x Lindleyano - elegans , 86 ; × Wiganii , 86 . Brassocattleya , 83 , 129 , 130 , 336 ; × bel- laerensis , 84 ; × Chamberlainiĉ , 326 ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia chlorops , Rchb . f . in Gard . Chron . 1873 , p . 542 . COSTA RICA ( Endres ) . Hb . Kew . 4. Brassia ... lawrenceana , Lindl . Bot . Reg . 1841 , Misc . p . 2 , t . 18 , et Fol . Orch . n . 3 ; Bot . Mag . t . 5748 ( var .
Brassia lawrenceana from
... BRASSIA LAWRENCEANA . - Mrs . Lawrence's Brassia . ( Bot . Reg . 18. ) Or- chidaceĉ . Gynandria Monandria . A native of Brazil , and has bloomed in the very choice collection of Mrs. Lawrence , at Ealing park . Sepals and petals of a ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... BRASSIA Lawrenceana ; sepalis lateralibus elongatis , labello oblongo apice lanceolato subundulato : callo baseos simplici canaliculato pube- scente . A pretty species from Brazil , introduced by Mrs. Lawrence . It has pale yellow ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia Lawrenceana longissima , Oncidium Forbesii , a very handsome form of O. prĉtextum , and another apparently intermediate between it and O. curtum , Epidendrum Wallisii , and other showy species , all effectively arranged . The ...
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia chlorops , Rchb . f . in Gard . Chron . 1873 , p . 542 . COSTA RICA ( Endres ) . Hb . Kew . 4. Brassia ... lawrenceana , Lindl . Bot . Reg . 1841 , Misc . p . 2 , t . 18 , et Fol . Orch . n . 3 ; Bot . Mag . t . 5748 ( var .
Brassia lawrenceana from
... Brassia Lawrenceana longissima , 46 . Broccoli all the year round , 83 . Brodiĉa coccinea ( plate ) , 145 ; 166 . Butomus , culture of , 222 . CABBAGE , Sandringham Sprouting , 72 . Calamus ciliaris , 5 . Calochortus unifloras , 6 ...