The Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually ...
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Apr 14, 2021 · These rhizomatous or tuberous flowering perennials are native to tropical and subtropical Asia and Australia. They're finicky plants and often ...
Nov 5, 2020 · Araceae are best characterized by the inflorescence, a fleshy cylindric or ovoid, unbranched spadix subtended or surrounded by a spathe. True ...
The Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe. Also known as the arum... Wikipedia
Lower classifications
Araceae, large family of flowering plants (order Alismatales) comprising more than 4,000 species in over 140 genera. Members of Araceae occur worldwide but ...
The arum family (Araceae) comprises 140 genera and about 4,000 species of flowering plants. The flowers are characteristically borne on a distinctive ...
The Araceae is a collection of plant family that is the most known green houseplants includes. Another name is also arum, which refers ...
The Araceae consist of terrestrial or aquatic shrubs, vines, or herbs (the vegetative body reduced and globose to thalloid in the Lemnoideae).
The Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix.
Plants in the Araceae are monocots. Most members of the arum family are tropical plants, though an obvious exception would be the Jack-in-the-Pulpit.
A berry or developing with the spadix and maturing as a multiple fruit. USES. Numerous species of climbing Araceae are commercially cultivated as garden plants ...